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Parent Company

Aspen Skiing Company corporate employees or ‘Parent Company’ are the behind-the-scenes brains trust that keep our mountains, hotels and events up and running. Our Parent Company roles are as close to corporate roles that you can get while still being able to clear your calendar on a powder day.

Parent Company Employment

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Typical jobs that exist within our Parent Company are:

  • Information Technology
  • Sustainability
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Legal
  • Engineering
  • Human Resources
  • Employee housing
  • Finance and accounting

Parent Company Team Profile

Bridget Dempsey
Bridget Dempsey
Hometown: Columbia, MD
Job Title: HRIS Analyst
Years at Aspen Skiing Company: Less than one year
Hobbies: Yoga, camping, hiking, painting, and really any activity that takes me into nature, gets my body moving, and/or allows me to be creative.

How did you end up in Aspen?
Since moving to Colorado in 2015, I’ve dreamed of living in the mountains full-time, but was waiting for the right opportunity to leave Denver. Needless to say, I was thrilled to make the Roaring Fork Valley my home base after accepting my offer with SkiCo.

What do you tell your friends that you do for work?
“Think of me as IT for HR.”

What is your favorite part of the job?
The people! The culture at SkiCo attracts active, adventurous, down-to-earth people who are passionate about connecting with others. I’m grateful to be a part of the SkiCo community and feel so fortunate to work with such a diverse, compassionate, and fun group of people.

What do you find most challenging about your job?
Like any seasonal industry, it’s all hands on deck during peak season. At SkiCo, the winter months can be challenging because of the increased workload, however, even the busiest leaders still make time to hit the slopes when there’s good snow.

What skills or characteristics do you think your job requires?
Attention to detail, complex problem solving, effective time management, technical expertise, excellent customer service, and a positive attitude.

What makes Aspen unique?
I’m still getting to know the town of Aspen and its community, however, even though I’ve only been here for ~3 months, I can say with certainty that the undeniable beauty of the mountain range and surrounding valley is in a class all its own.

What do you like about working at Aspen Skiing Company?
I like the people, the fast pace, and having a connection to the mountains.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering a career or a season in Aspen?
Skiing’s the easy part, Karl.

What makes you proud to work at Aspen Skiing Company?
Come visit one of our mountains and/or book a stay at one of our hotels – the guest experience speaks for itself!